Joseph R. Pye Legacy Scholarship



Fifty-two years. 

A lifetime of service. 

A legacy that has impacted multiple generations. 

Dorchester Two Educational Foundation is proud to institute the Joseph R. Pye Legacy Scholarship in honor of longtime DDTwo Superintendent Joe Pye. The scholarship will be given annually to a DDTwo graduate with the intent of pursuing higher education towards the field of education. Please help ensure Mr. Pye's ipmacts last for future generations while helping a DDTwo graduate by building our initial endowment. This scholarship will directly benefit DDTwo graduates each year and will carry on a legacy. 

Every donation matters - give today!

Please share this opportunity with other constituents and community leaders that may be interested. 

Your Donation Amount

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If you would like to make a donation via check, please make payable to Dorchester Two Educational Foundation and mail to:

Dorchester Two Educational Foundation
815 S Main Street
Summerville, SC 29483

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